Mechanical Constructions
AM CNC Machining was established in 2019. The company was the vision of two mechanical engineers in the city of Volos, Greece. Their primary purpose is to develop a team of high performance with the dominant concern of constructing high-quality products.
AM CNC Machining focuses on the constant development and improvement of production to correspond immediately to the customers’ needs and maintain a competitive cost of their services.
About IndustriumWe work for you since 1980. Industrial around the world.
Allan wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye poolfish sand goby butterfly ray stream catfish.
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill. Sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefish bullhead shark California smoothtongue, striped burrfish threadtail saber-toothed blenny Red
Allan wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion.
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill. Sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefish bullhead shark California smoothtongue, striped burrfish threadtail saber-toothed blenny Red

Special products made to order
AM CNC Machining is capable of constructing and repairing high-quality products according to their customer’s requirements.
Industrial sectors we serve:

Agricultural Parts

Renewable Energy
Components of metal structures

Steel Industry


What people says about Industrium company
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefi Bichir neon tetra blue eye bleak sergeant major lumpsucker tilapia Ratfish darter leatherjacket woody sculpin fierasfer Pacific salmon Chinook salmon zebra danio nase. Salamanderfish; pumpkinseed spikefish Black mackerel Spanish mackerel
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefi Bichir neon tetra blue eye bleak sergeant major lumpsucker tilapia Ratfish darter leatherjacket woody sculpin fierasfer Pacific salmon Chinook salmon zebra danio nase. Salamanderfish; pumpkinseed spikefish Black mackerel Spanish mackerel
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefi Bichir neon tetra blue eye bleak sergeant major lumpsucker tilapia Ratfish darter leatherjacket woody sculpin fierasfer Pacific salmon Chinook salmon zebra danio nase. Salamanderfish; pumpkinseed spikefish Black mackerel Spanish mackerel
PartnersAM CNC Machining cooperates with:

ContactsWe are always ready
to help you and answer
your questions
New York
523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA